Fall Party Color Combinations
Fall party color combinations brought to you by Bergen Linen.
When planning a special event, linen rentals are the perfect backdrop for a buffet, wedding cake, perfect placesetting.
In the past, we have wanted to provide you what seems like almost every color over the sun. However, we have been reviewing our inventory.
Instead of offering 6 shades of blues, we want to make selection easier. In the past, certain colors were available in certain sizes and options (e.g. runners, tablecloths, etc.).
Well, we still want you to have plenty of color choices available. So… you can still find a great color but in the options you are looking for.
A few color combinations you may wish to consider:
- Green & Pink
- Yellow & Green
- Navy & Gold
- Blue & Silver
- White &Red
- Light & Dark Purple
And remember, these are complimentary basic colors. You can find the shade you like best.
Bergen Linen provides linen rentals to restaurant, caterers, event planners and DIY party designers. When looking for linens, we kindly ask that you request either the tablecloth size OR let us know the table size. We also have this handy reference on sizing. If you are ready to place an order, please check out our handy form.
Currently, we are still working on this project. If you have questions about our selection, please email info@bergenlinen.com or call (800) 789-8115. A team member would be happy to review your choices with you.
For upcoming special events, we do let clients know that they should order sooner rather than later. Some specific colors are a first come, first serve basis.